University of Calabria Department of Mathematics and Computer Science | |
via Pietro Bucci, cubo 30B 87036 Rende (CS) - Italy | |
mario@alviano.net mario.alviano@unical.it | |
Office Phone +39 0984 496473 | |
Office Fax +39 0984 496410 (specifying: c/a Mario Alviano) | |
Office Hour (Ricevimento) by appointment on Microsoft Teams, ideally every Tuesday 10:30-11:30 | |
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Combinatorial Search and Optimization Logic Programming Nonmonotoning Reasoning Publications DBLP Google Scholar Scopus | |
One page CV Long CV Long CV (it) Short BIO I graduated cum laude and obtained my Ph.D. at University of Calabria. Since February 2011 I work for Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Calabria: two years as PostDoc, four years as Researcher, seven years as Associate Professor and since October 2023 I am Full Professor. I teach Secure Software Design and Cyber Offense and Defence. I have conducted training and research periods in Vienna (2005, 2009, and 2015) and Oxford (2014). I gave invited seminars at the universities of Huddersfield (2014), Klagenfurt (2014), Potsdam (2016 and 2023), Helsinki (2017), Mindanao State University, and University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (2019). I was the speaker of more than 50 oral presentations at scientific conferences, some of them as keynote speaker (ICTCS & CILC 2017, ASPOCP 2018 and 2021, JELIA 2023, TAASP 2023) and invited speaker (AIxIA 2008 and 2017, ECAI 2012, IJCAI 2016 and 2017). I am the author of more than 120 scientific articles, including papers in top journals such as AIJ, JAIR, and TPLP, and top conferences such as IJCAI, AAAI, KR, and PODS. I am listed among the scientists with the highest impact in Elsevier's "science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" (v4, v5, v6). I lead the LAIA lab (Laboratorio di Applicazioni dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, part of the SILA IR). I am co-PI of the PRIN project PRODE "Probabilistic Declarative Process Mining". I am involved in several projects, among them the PNRR project FAIR "Future AI Research"; the PNRR project Tech4You "Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement"; the PNRR project SERICS "SEcurity and RIghts in the CyberSpace"; the POS projects CAL.HUB.RIA and RADIOAMICA; the STROKE 5.0 project. I won several academic awards, among them Artificial Intelligence Award "Marco Somalvico" 2017 (AIxIA, Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, best Italian young researchers in AI). honourable mention for my thesis by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI 2012); Italian best thesis in Artificial Intelligence award 2008 (AIxIA); ICLP 2015 Best Paper Award; RR 2015 Best Paper Award; ICLP 2016 Best Paper Award; LPNMR 2022 Best Paper Award; CILC 2023 Best Paper Award. |